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【原创/生贺】The Surprise【小天男神1103生日快乐!


全英文预警QAQ 最近在看 The Book Thief 导致整个人英文文风都变了,超喜欢这本书就买了回来,现在基本上瘾状态。强推强推强推。
渣语法渣文笔预警。主友情微鹿犬cp向,清水温馨JPG. 小天视角第一人称,simple present tense. 【因为忘记谁说的写文用present比较方便【确实 past tense我老是搞错【才不是
欢迎食用. El gusto es mio.

IP属地:美国1楼2016-11-03 12:06回复
    The Surprise
    The moment I wake up, I can feel Prongs' hands covering my eyes. The soft and warm feeling only belongs to him. I'm not sure what he's up to since everything is hidden behind those hands, so I cough to make sure he knows my confusion.
    "Just wait a sec, Padfoot, it is a surprise." His voice appears above my ears, like the feeling you would get with the 3D speakers. I always doubt that he fully understands my hatred towards the darkness, I guess he knows though, otherwise he would shut down all the lights and even close the curtains instead of this silly "5-year-old covering eyes" thing. So I spoke.
    "Prongs, if you don't want to see your best friend tripping over something like a fool, or biting your fingers until you scream at the top of your lungs, just tell me what you're up to."
    I have to say we both love the small arguments and jokes, it's just the way we communicate with each other. My best friend apparently snickers under his breath, since I can feel the steady breath shakes a little, like the sound of a swirl of wind. He doesn't say anything though.
    Even though I should feel unsafe at this moment, I'm not nervous all. A little bit, maybe, but there's apparently more excitement. The fact that James is right beside me brings me comfort, just as always. He almost never lie to me, probably a few ones, but just for fun. As he leads me going down the stairs of our dorms--I can always recognize this way even when I'm "blind"--I'm getting more and more excited to see what Prongs is been up to. Obviously Remus and Peter also have took place in it, otherwise they would come and ask what's happening. But for today, I haven't heard their voices after I wake up. Not even footsteps.
    Now we are walking towards what's probably the Gryffindor common room, the feeling of granite on the floor of the corridor makes me shiver a little--I'm walking with bare foot. James notices that, and several seconds later, the warmth of my robes wraps me up. Weird, that really helps.
    As we are getting closer to the common room, more sounds start to appear. I'm estimating what's happening with my ears--chairs moving, people walking, and Remus' voice jumps out all of a sudden: "They're here!"
    Okay, I guess there's a lot of people in the common room right now.
    So James guides me to the door, but before we do anything, he asks, both to the people inside and to me: "Are you ready?"
    I smile.
    And we open the door together when James uncovers my eyes.
    Candles, smiley faces, music, and a giant cream cake in the middle.
    I realize that today is my birthday.
    The room is pampered with people, and "happy birthday"s to me. James now stands in the middle, with Remus and Peter on each side. He hands a huge bouquet of flowers to me, with the smile that I'm too familiar with.
    "Happy birthday, Padfoot."
    And I smile in return.

    IP属地:美国2楼2016-11-03 12:07
      一楼最后一句Spanish的翻译:The pleasure is mine.

      IP属地:美国3楼2016-11-03 12:08

        IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端4楼2016-11-03 17:08


          来自Android客户端5楼2016-11-03 18:27
            同刚看完the book thief喜欢

            IP属地:上海来自Android客户端6楼2016-11-03 21:13