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1楼2013-01-20 22:24回复
    Jan 20th, 2013
    We Are The Keepers Of Our Own Time / 我们是自己的时光守护者 -->-->Tweet-->
    Sun Dial (source: http://www.crystalinks.com/clocks.html)
    Egyptian Water Clock (source: http://www.crystalinks.com/clocks.html)
    I’ve always been intrigued by the subject of “time”. Time is invisible, yet so crucial in life. Recently, a book about time struck me and kept me thinking about the meaning of our existence- “The Timekeeper” by Mitch Albom.
    Time is something people value differently. Sometimes we see time as the essence of life, constantly wishing we had more, to do more, to fulfill more, to live more. Other times we dread the passing of time, wishing we could fast forward our days, to give anything for our problems to end now.
    With the discovery of how to record time, we start to countdown to every significant moment in life. On the other hand, we remember time, by freezing moments in our minds, through art, photography, songs, music, books and film.
    In fact, everything we do is a reflection of time passed and anticipation of what is to come.
    Sometimes, I’d like to believe that we have trapped ourselves to time itself. A love-hate relationship.
    Because of time, everything has a limit. Every person becomes precious. Every moment earns its value, and life earns its purpose.
    But with time, we also learn the pain of losing someone, we begin to hold on to things that we treasure, because we realize that nothing can last forever, except change itself. So, we are enlightened, so we regret, so we hope flr better days.
    For me, aside from visual expression through camera lens and pencil sketches, the fundamental of expression for me, is sound and music, as well as the power of the lyric.
    I write, so I remind myself of the times we’ve cried in pain, so as not to hurt again.
    The antagonizing moments which I used to scream and pray would pass quickly,
    would be the same moments I eventually miss after the pain has gone away.
    I sing, to remember these scars, To celebrate these memories.

    2楼2013-01-20 22:31
      Sep 27th, 2012
      F1 Singapore Grand Prix: More Than Just Motorsport / 2012年度F1新加坡站
      We race to win, we all do. In fact, we should all race to win, it’s the fundamental of racing. Thing is, what happens if you know you aren’t going to win? What do you tell yourself when you know that this race isn’t about about you anymore, or rather, when you start the race knowing you’d very likely come in last?
      The 2012 Singapore F1 was one of the most exciting Formula One races I’ve witnessed in awhile. Aside from the battle for top 5 positions, what really caught my attention was Ferrari driver Felipe Massa, and how he climbed from last position (24th) to eventually 8th.
      For Massa, the race was nothing short of incidents and close shaves. His tires punctured in lap 1, had to pit in immediately, and I watched how he managed to climb steadily but surely, fighting to come back into the race.
      During one of the turns, he was challenging driver Bruno Senna side by side for 9th place, when both cars made contact, forcing Massa to the barriers. When I thought I saw Massa’s car tires locking up and almost going into a spin, the veteran immediately brought it back under control again. Everything went from normal to chaotic and back to normal again. In that one-tenth of a second, what seemed to be a series of reckless turning of the wheel left and right, was actually years of professional training combined with an extremely calm and focused mind – Massa was taming the drifting Italian beast, braking and steering the Ferrari back into balance.
      Massa finished 8th. (Accumulating 4 points for the team, a total of 19 points, with Alonso claiming 15 at 3rd position.)
      Life is like a Formula One race. No matter how well we think we know the track, and how much we’ve prepared ourselves for the race, it’s never easy, nor is it ever smooth sailing.
      Besides constant practice, knowledge of the sport, and hands on experience, we will need to learn to work as a team, with the team – It’s never just about the action.
      The strategy and planning (eg. when to come in for pitstops, when to go full throttle or take it easy) is as important as every single gear change and turn during the race.
      There’s no time to look back and regret the mistakes that we’ve made, it’s how we react to the unexpected that really matters. It’s also during these unique moments and challenges that we usually leave an impression in our life book, and come out of the turn stronger and ready to go full throttle once more.
      We can never always be champion, for there is only space for one. But go deep down, find and recognize the champion within our souls, and tell ourselves to be brave, to face the challenge of making sure we finish the race. Massa did, and he earned himself a top 8 placing.
      Whichever position you are in right now, do not give up, we still have many laps to go, even more turns to battle. Our opponents are cheering us on, get ready to overtake!

      3楼2013-01-20 22:38
        好累啊= =
        度娘太傲娇了不肯自己换行= =

        4楼2013-01-20 22:40

          5楼2013-01-22 13:23

            6楼2013-01-23 12:04

              IP属地:安徽来自手机贴吧7楼2013-01-23 13:23